Monday, October 13, 2014

***UPDATE*** Sociology Paper 1 & 2 Review Materials

See below for the Rubrics (Mark Schemes) for the past exam questions file I created earlier.  Use this as part of your review tonight.  Mentally answer each question of Paper 2 on there and think of what you would use as your points/examples for each in addition to reviewing your terms.

Report to room 2219 again tomorrow immediately after checking in with 2nd period for attendance.  Be in room 2219 no later than 7:30am.  You need to start the exam right away.  Please spread the word via text and other social media options to any one you have as contacts in the class.  We need to make sure everyone gets this message.  Thanks, and good luck tomorrow.  You GOT THIS! ;)

Family (Paper 1, Wednesday)
This one also has Theory & Methods: Family & Theory & Methods Study Guide (click here)

Theory & Methods (Paper 2, Thursday)
A really good one: Theory & Methods Review Packet (click here)
Also a good one: Study Guide on Perspectives (click here)
Theory questions study guide (click here)

Past Exam Questions for Review (click here)
Mark Schemes for Past Exam Questions Above (click here)
Family Terms List (click here)
Theory & Methods Terms List (click here) Fully Updated

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