Tuesday, March 17, 2015

out sick 03/18 & 03/19

I am in the hospital. I have the papers with me and will be working on grades from here in the morning. Behave and have a nice Spring Break.

Psych: Complete the assignment on Nelson in the previous post. If done with that,  create your own practice questions that could show up on exam using bandura case. 2 short response, one essay. Questions and answers.

Section C: Media

5 (a) Explain the factors that may influence the production of television news. [9]
 (b) ‘The new media are undermining the power of those who own newspapers and television stations.’ Assess this view. [16]

6 (a) Explain the difficulties of studying the impact that television has on viewers. [9]
 (b) ‘Existing theories fail to explain adequately how the media influence human behaviour.’ Assess this view. [16]

US history: Complete the Cold War readings and questions from the blue eoc practice books.  Please return books to shelf at the end of the period.

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