Friday, November 14, 2014

Assignments for Monday, 11/17/14 and Tuesday, 11/18/14

These are the plans that were left with the Sub.  You are responsible for the work below.  

*Sociology (Per. 1)
Students should select five words from the list below and assess and explain how those words are seen in what they have viewed so far in the film “Mona Lisa Smile”.  Responses should be written in paragraphs and examples from the film must be used.

• compensatory education
• comprehensive education
• correspondence principle
• counter-school culture
• cultural capital
• cultural reproduction
• deferred/immediate
• deprivation – material and
• deschooling
• educational achievement
• elaborated and restricted
speech codes
• equality of opportunity
• ethnicity
• ethnocentric curriculum
• formal education
• gender
• gender stereotyping
• gendered curriculum
• hidden curriculum
• ideological state apparatus
• informal education
• inequality
• intelligence
• intelligence quotient
• knowledge
• labelling
• language
• marketisation
• meritocracy
• minority ethnic group
• positional theory
• peer group
• positive discrimination
• pupil sub-cultures
• self-fulfilling prophecy
• social class
• social capital
• social democratic theory
• social exclusion
• social inequality
• social mobility
• streaming
• vocationalism

*        Psychology (Per. 2, 3, 5, & 6):
Sleep Brochure Mini Project
Create a hospital brochure that discusses the importance of sleep. Specifically, your handout needs to highlight the benefits of sleep and some of the theoretical possibilities of dreaming.  Make it creative and interesting for the readers.  Include relevant images as well.  Images may be printed at home and brought in the next class period to add to the brochure.  The brochure must be completed by the end of the next class period on, Wednesday/Thursday.  You will have some class time that day, but the majority of the work must be completed ahead of time.
·         This is to be done in pair (2 people), not groups.
·         You will be graded on Content (40), Creativity (25), Neatness (15), and Presentation (20)
·         Information can be found on the internet, but must not be copied and pasted.  In your own words!  Points will be deducted if you don’t know what you are talking about.
         US History Honors (Per. 4)

Students should complete the handouts on my desk by next class period.  If they do not finish in class, they may finish for homework.  They may use the class set of the blue Gateway EOC US History books for reference in class to complete the chart.  Please make sure they place all books back on the shelf at the end of the class period.

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