Sunday, November 16, 2014

Period 1 Blessing Basket Suggested List (Sociology students)

Suggested List:
·         2 cans of green beans
·         2 cans of corn
·         2 cans of black beans
·         Bag of rice
·         Box of mashed potatoes
·         Can of yams (large)
·         Bag of marshmallows
·         Box of stuffing
·         2 jars of gravy
·         Apple juice
·         Pumpkin pie crust
·         Pumpkin pie filling
·         Chicken broth
·         Holiday paper goods and utensils for 8
·         Recipes*
·         Aluminum pans*
·         Holiday greeting card*
·         Holiday CD*
·         Cake mix & frosting
·         $15-20 gift card for turkey

   Please comment with your name and what you will be bringing so we can attempt to have as complete of a basket as possible for donation.  Have your things brought in by Wednesday. Thanks.  

